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The Metro CISM Team is NOW Accepting Applications


The Metro CISM Team is NOW Accepting Applications


Volunteer to join the Metro CISM Team! We need experienced EMTs, Firefighters, Police Officers, Emergency Dispatchers, Chaplains (with First Responder culture experience), and mental health professionals (with First Responder culture experience). If you are in good standing with a First Responder Agency, you can apply!


Team membership entails:

  • Completion of an application and interview.

  • A letter of support from your agency/department/supervisor.

  • Initial and ongoing CISM peer support skills training.

  • Attend monthly Team meetings, conduct defusing's and debriefings with other Team members.

  • Conduct CISM pre-incident awareness training, and provide one-to-one peer support to emergency service personnel in the Metro Region and mutual-aid in other regions if requested.

  • Other projects as necessary.


Provisional Members


Purpose: The Metro CISM Team establishes the position of Provisional Member for persons who have not yet completed formal CISM Training but have expressed a serious interest in becoming an active member of the Team.


The Metro CISM Team accepts persons as "Provisional Members" in the following circumstances:

  • A complete application form has been submitted

  • A letter of support from their immediate supervisor is attached

  • Successfully complete an approved Basic CISM training fully utilizing ICISF recommendations accepted by The Metro CISM Team within six (6) months of acceptance

  • Read, understand and sign Team confidentiality agreement

  • Submit to an interview with select members of the Board and a background investigation


A Provisional Member may attend all regular and special meetings of the Team, including Board of Director meetings and training. The Provisional Member may be heard at meetings however is not entitled to voting rights until he/she becomes a regular member. Acceptance as a Provisional Member does not guarantee active membership.


Provisional Members will be given access to the Team Website however will not have access to the Paging section.


Provisional members will be held to the same high professional standards as regular members. Provisional Member status may not exceed six (6) months without action of the Board of Directors.


Approved by Board of Directors 01/03/2013.


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